Gordion Mediation
  • İşçi Blokları Mah. Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu Cad. Bagis Plaza Apt. No: 43 / 5 ÇANKAYA / ANKARA
  • info@gordionarabuluculuk.com
  • +90 312 286 42 44


| About US

We have established Gordion Mediation & Arbitration Center in 2020 after ackowledging the need for scientific, dynamic & contemporary approach for mediation which is one of the most important revolutions that are made recently in Turkish Legal System.

Our partners each of whom are skilfull & growth-mindset mediators that have expertise on different branches of law, performed judicial missions in different stages of Turkish Judiciary system and Law Education System.

We aim to resolve the conflicts through a peacefull conflict resolution method that is fast, secure and cheap way based on parties’ interest.

We have set out with the motto: ‘No Dispute without a Resolution’ and we believe that it is possible for the parties to resolve their conflicts by the facilitation rendered by our smart & scientific techniques. And in all the resolved disputes that we took part in, we are proudly acknowledging how much we are right in this belief.

We think that cutting the Gordion knot of which the tips are folded inside and entangled is a Pyrrhic Victory and its benefits does not last long. And we know that all the knots are untiable with our peculiar and scientific methods of conflict resolutions.

We believe that it is very important for all the parties to focus only on the disputed issues and exclusion of distractor elements is necessary to reach a peacefull agreement through a mediation. To reach this aim, we have created a phisical habitat that has all the technological equipments and capacities in which negotiations can be held comfortably and secretly. Our spacious and modern mediation center is allocated for your service with all its capacities.

Our Mediation Center is open for all the mediators no matter they are partner or not. We have got enough meeting & negotiation rooms, printers, laptops and stationary equipments which are completely allocated to any mediator who will hold the mediation meetings in our center. 


Our mission is to resolve the disputes through a peacefull, effective, fast, cheap and secure mediation process without applying to the courts. 


Our Vision is to be a mediation center that is both revolutionary & completely loyal to law, impartial, and independent by fallowing the ethical rules of Professional mediation.