Gordion Mediation
  • İşçi Blokları Mah. Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu Cad. Bagis Plaza Apt. No: 43 / 5 ÇANKAYA / ANKARA
  • info@gordionarabuluculuk.com
  • +90 312 286 42 44

She graduated from Ankara University- Faculty of Law in 1993 and started to work as a lawyer registered in Ankara Bar Association.

She gained her MBA degree from Ankara University of Social Sciences, on the subject of social gender inequalities and its reflections on the national policies in 2000. She is still attending to doctorate programme on social services at Hacettepe University. Additionally she gained her MBA degree on labor law in 2010 from Gazi University -Faculty of Law.

Between 2012 – 2020, she worked as a guest lecturer for the basic law, family law and childrens’ rights lessons and She is still working as a guest lecturer in Hacettepe University- Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences.

Between 2000 – 2001, she performed expert & counselling missions for English  family courts on the subjects of Turkish family & children Law. She still continues her mission as a counsellor for UNHCR Turkish family law, children law and refugee law.

She is a certified mediator and  mastering her expertise on the mediation for disputes regarding labor law, consumer law, insurance law and she also is accountant expert in labor law and insurance law.

Her second language is English and fallowings are certificates and published works of her on various subjects.

2019       Family intervention programme (Child & Family Training Co.)

2019        Family farmework evaluation and education of lecturer.

2018       TBB- Main Training on Labor demands

2017       TBB- Main Expertise Education

2013       Mediation training by Gazi University

2011-2012       Family Counselling Programme from Başkent University

2007        Coping with abuse of Children (CEOP-SECI CENTER/Bucharest-Romania)

2006         (Judicial Reform in the process of joining EU (Bar Ass. Of Ankara- Sophia & Bucharest

2005        Coping with human trafficking and legal regulations (Bar Ass. Of IOM & Ankara)

2004         Education of children rights in children justice system (British Counsil)

2003         Education of children Justice system for civil society organisations  (British Counsil)

2002          City Counselling Mission training for programme of supporting the girls’ right to have education.(UNICEF)

2002         Establishing and improving the commisions of childrens’ rights in Bar Ass.(UNICEF)

2001          Expertise education for protection of refugee children in Eastern Europe(UNHCR)

2001         Legal assistance education for neglected and abused children. (İstanbul Bar Ass.)

2000          Education of lecturers for project of criminal justice (British Counsil)

1998-1999       Education for preventing childrens’ neglect and abuse (TPSCAN Hello Child Center)

Expertise sertificate programme on arbitration law and constitution contracts.(Ins. Of Bankery & Commercial law)

1994-1995       Experetise certificate programme on commercial law. .(Ins. Of Bankery & Commercial law)



Kaynak Hatice, Aydın Murat, Foto Özdemir Dilşad, Evinç Gülin,    Adli Görüşme Odaları , UNICEF ANKARA 2019

Kaynak Hatice, Acar Hakan , Acar Yüksel Baykara, Kırımsoy Emrah, Aydın Murat, Antakyalıoğlı Şahin, 

Çocuk Adalet Sistemi Sosyal Çalışma Görevlileri   İçin Başvuru Kitabı ( Editör) , UNICEF Ankara  2013

Kaynak Hatice, Acar Hakan , Acar Yüksel Baykara, Kırımsoy Emrah, Aydın Murat, Antakyalıoğlı Şahin,

 Çocuk Adalet Sistemi Hukukçular İçin Başvuru Kitabı ( Editör) UNICEF Ankara 2013

Kaynak Hatice ; “Çocuk İhmal ve İstismarının Hukuksal Boyutu”, Çocuk İstismarı Temel Yaklaşımlar, Nobel, Ankara 2013

Kaynak Hatice, Akço Seda, Dağlı Tolga , İnanıcı Mehmet Akif , Oral Resmiye, Şahin Figen, Sofuoğlu Zeynep, Ulukol Betül, “Child abuse and neglect in Turkey: professional, governmental and non-governmental achievements in improving the national child protection system”  Paediatrics and International Child Health, Special issue, November 2013, US

Kaynak H, Oral R.,  “Protection of Children from Neglect: the Turkish Legal Code” World Perspective, ISPCAN 2012

Kaynak H, Acar Nesrin , Çocuk İstismarının Hukuksal Boyutu,  Çocuk İstismarı ve İhmaline  Multidisipliner Yaklaşım, Çocuk İstismarı ve İhmalini Önleme Derneği Yayınları, Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi,  2006.

Kaynak H, Acar N., Akço S , Çocuk Mahkemelerinde Müdafilerin  Durumu Analizi ,  Diyarbakır Barosu ,2006 Kaynak H,Acar N,   Mağdur Çocukların Hukuki Durumu, Diyarbakır Barosu,2006

Kaynak, H, Country Research  about  Legal  Framework Relating to Refugee  Children of Concern to UNCHR ,  UNHCR 2002

Kaynak H, Kendirci Sema,  Legal Manual  for Refugee Women about  Sexual Violence and  Divorce Cases, UNHCR